Meeting room management
The touch-sensitive information screens provide an overview of the use of the company’s meeting rooms and allow searching for rooms based on specific conditions: number of seats, technical capabilities, etc. Meeting rooms can be booked through the email system (Exchange, Google G Suite), from a touch screen near the meeting room or from a larger floor screen. You can see the current state of the room (including topic, participants, etc.), free times and upcoming meetings from the touch screen.
Overview of meeting rooms
With Roomkeeper, you have an accurate real-time overview of meeting room locations, capacity, technical capabilities, availability and future bookings. In this way, situations are excluded when several meetings claim one room at the same time or the room resource is used inefficiently. The availability of rooms can be checked from the touch screen next to each room, from the large touch screen on the floor, as well as from a personal computer or mobile phone.

Advantages and options

Roomkeeper is able to communicate with almost every common office software – Exchange, Office365, Gmail, Webcal/CALDAV, etc. In addition, Roomkeeper is also compatible with access systems and associated access cards, which allows for quick identification at the meeting room to add a new meeting.

Cloud service
The software can be used both as a cloud service and as an on-premise solution.

You can check all rights as usual through the calendar system and with the on-premise solution you have full control over your own data.

User friendly
Roomkeeper has a user-friendly and logical user interface that is quick and intuitive to learn. Since booking meetings becomes faster and easier than before, secretaries, office managers and all other team members save time.

Roomkeeper is adaptable in both design and content to your company’s wishes.

Information about the meeting rooms is saved, thanks to which you have the opportunity to analyze and plan the optimal use of the meeting rooms.